As promised here is MinMax Pseudocode/explanation
MinMax Pseudocode
function minMax(board_state,current_depth, maximum_depth,whoseTurn) returns a number
first of all check if the game has ended or maximum depth has been reached.
if so, then evaluate the board and return a value for its importance.
otherwise proceed
generate possible moves on the board
if there are no possible moves then evaluate the board and return its value
else proceed
for every possible move
apply "move" depending on whose turn
update the localBoard details and state if necessary
call minMax again with new localBoard details and current_depth+1 and whoseTurn
store the value returned from minMax into a variable local_value
check to see if this local_value is better than best value
if it is then make assign the best_value = this local_value
and also assign the corresponding best_move = this move (it is highlighted in para above)
return bestMove;
I hope that is all clear, if you have any doubt ping me. :)
EDIT: all the variables used in this function should be local, if you are using some global variables either store them into local variables or "undomove" after every minMax call.
Hi all. How are you?
thank you so much ...that really helped..
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